Study Coach UK

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140 High Town Rd
Luton Bedfordshire, LU2 0DJ

Mon9:00 am-6:00 pm
Tue9:00 am-6:00 pm
Wed9:00 am-6:00 pm
Thu9:00 am-6:00 pm
Fri9:00 am-6:00 pm
Sat9:00 am-5:00 pm

140 High Town Rd, Luton Bedfordshire, LU2 0DJ
07944 849271

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About Study Coach UK

Online Educational Consultant supporting University and College students with Essays and Dissertation. Study Coach UK support HomeSchooling, assisting parents Online with teaching resources and understanding educational issues. Educational products (T-Shirts) to facilitate young people to think about Careers and to assist with study Motivation are available at Study Coach UK Shopify store, see:

What Do You Want to Be? Study Coach UK has launched its Career T-Shirt Collection to help young minds think about future Careers. The Study Coach  UK Store is at Shopify At some point in school the question of what do you want to be when your grown, will start to feature in young lives. It is a simple question and yet very significant. For many of us it can take years to decide on a suitable career. As educators we would like to help youngsters decide on their future careers. 

T-Shirts for Girls and Boys
The T-Shirts for boys and girls are designed to raise awareness about work, job roles and to help young students make links between academic  subjects and potential careers. Helping to facilitate youngsters to learn about careers from an early age, to become knowledgeable about the duties performed and skill set of respective workers is our objective. Study Coach aim to assist parents/carers and youngsters to explore options and career pathways. We take a realistic view about chosen careers meaning that youngsters need to understand that some careers will require great dedication, hard-work and financial investment. The mission behind the T-Shirts is to also reinforce the view that all careers have value and that one should feel equally proud to become a Plasterer, Medical Surgeon, Tailor, Astronaut or YouTuber. 

(If you're working on a Psychology developmental assignment, you might find the following on Piaget's stages useful. If you require further guidance do get in touch with Morel Benard at Study Coach - 07944 849271 or see the website Blogs for more free teachings:


According to Piaget there are 4 major stages of cognitive development:
Sensorimotor Stage 0 – 2 years
Pre-Operational Stage 2 – 7 years
Concrete Operational Stage 7 – 11 years
Formal Operational Stage 11-15 years

This stage is essentially practical. The focus is on hearing, grasping, pulling. For example, a baby will examine a rattle for its colour and feel – the young child thinks through acting upon the objects and perceiving them. At the Sensorimotor stage the baby has no ‘object permanence’. To understand ‘object permanence’ consider the game of peek-a-boo. The young child is fascinated how people can apparently disappear and then reappear. At some point during the Sensorimotor stage, the child will eventually develop ‘object permanence’; meaning that the child comes to understand that things don’t just disappear, without leaving a trace. The child therefore develops ‘object permanence’.

The Pre-OPERATIONAL STAGE (2 – 7years)
According to Piaget, at the Pre-Operational stage, the child is still primarily concerned with how things look. Piaget further divide this stage into two (a) the pre-conceptual stage, 2-4 years (b) the intuitive stage, 4-7 – The child’s thinking is relegated to ‘big’ ‘biggest’ – but he/she is likely to have difficulties understanding the terms–‘bigger’ or ‘stronger’–‘shorter’ or ‘taller’.

The child might be able to put all red apples or green apples together – but have yet to grasp the concept of all ‘big’ apples. At this stage all men are ‘Daddies’ and women are ‘Mummies’ (this is not to infer that the child cannot recognise his/her father or mother). It is simply that the young child assumes that all men and women will have children. Young children are likely to believe that all four legged animals are ‘doggies’. A cat is likely to be called a dog, until the child is able to distinguish, between cat and dog. Piaget also refers to ‘animistic thinking’ – the child believes that the sun is alive, and it follows us when we walk.

Here children develop an action – performed mentally. For example a 7 year old might be able to conserve numbers but not weight. At this stage children develop the mental structure called an operation. The child develops the ability to conserve – example: If David is taller than Rita and Rita is taller than Simone who is taller?

While the concrete operational stage is still concerned with manipulating things (even if this is done in the mind), the formal operational thinker can manipulate ideas and propositions and can reason solely on the basis of verbal statements. The adolescent can also think about hypothetical situations.
Do remember that each of Piaget’s stages represents a stage in development of intelligence. The stages are only approximate, meaning that there will be children who are advanced for their age. Example; some young children, are able to reason solely on verbal statements. On the other hand there are many adults who cannot manipulate ideas and propositions.
The stages of intellectual development are based on biological maturation; the stages are universal. They are not based on culture.

Intelligence Testing
The first type of intelligence tests to be developed were tests based on age-correlation: the idea that people can be expected to know different things and to have different skills at different ages.

The very first intelligence test was developed by Alfred Binet, in France in 1905 (Binet and Simon, 1905). The French education department had established special schools for learners with needs, and Binet was commissioned to develop an objective test which could identify such children. Binet reasoned that intelligence in children was a developmental process, and so might reasonably be identified in terms of what could be expected of a child at a given age. For example, you wouldn’t expect a 2 year old to be able to recite the days of the week, but it would be reasonable to expect an 8-year-old to be able to do so. Binet and his colleague Theodore Simon, collected a series of such developmental tasks, and by sampling large numbers of children, they were able to develop a test which matched these tasks to different ages. They also devised a technique for expressing how a child matched up to its peers in a single numerical figure (Binet and Simon, 1911). This became known as the intelligence quotient, or IQ.
IQ was calculated by comparing the child’s mental age (as assessed by the developmental tasks) with its real, or chronological age, according to the formula:
Mental Age
IQ = ————————————— X 100
Chronological Age
If a child’s mental age is exactly the same as its chronological age, then its IQ will come out as exactly 100; a child with a mental age lower than would be expected for its chronological age will come out with an IQ less, and one which is mentally ‘advanced’ for its age will come out with more.

There is a view that intelligence is a fixed quantity. The counter argument is that intelligence is open to change, irrespective of one’s social group/class or race. The question of whether intelligence is inherited or acquired through life experiences, is a long running debate – Nature versus Nurture.

Phone: 07944 849271
Study Coach UK Shopify Store:
Morel Benard

Products Carried: ESSAY/DISSERTATION SUPPORT SERVICE Learners simply submit their draft assignment plus assessment criteria and the deadline date via email. StudyCoach will review the work and provide detailed feedback with suggestions on any one piece of work. The fee is based on wordage, see the website Services landing page for details. Please note that the service is ethical in accordance with University guidelines. we support you with your draft work (please don't ask if we can write the essay for you).

Atmosphere: Study Coach UK is Online supporting students, parents and families to understand a range of educational issues. We operate at a distance but yet we are at the heart of your environment. We care about your educational success, career aspirations, study motivation and pastoral care, we operate a conducive atmosphere to facilitate success.

Amenities: Study Coach UK provide Online Appointments, we operate from a distance.

Payment Options: Visa, Master Card, American Express, Debit Card, PayPal

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